North American Youth Chess Championship


1. Proof of birth-date
2. U12/U10/U8 players Supervised Camp Program
3. Covid regulations
4. Official Federation Represenativies
5. Hotel cancellation policy

6. Refund policy
7. Registration confirmation
8. Registration deadline

1. Proof of birth-date

-- Proof of birth-date is required for partcipating the North American Youth Chess Championship. Please carry proof of birth-date.

2. U12/U10/U8 players Supervised Camp Program

-- Players in the U/8,U/10, and U/12 sections may not be left unsupervised during the competition.  If a parent does not wish to stay with them, pleae regist4er the Supervised Camp Program

3. Covid regulations

-- Currently the Alberta government has taken out all Covid regulations including masks.  Therefore, at this point we don’t have any special rules, although we are prepared to enforce any government regulations should they be present.

4. Official Federation Represenatives

-- Each North American Federation is entitled to have one official representative per section.  The official representative will receive a complimentary hotel room in the official hotel (Sheraton Cavalier) from August 9-14, 2022 with breakfast. 
If you are the official representaive please don't book the hotel rooms yourself. Representatives of each federation should send us the official players list which will include the players full names, sections, and dates that they will stay for. The players can stay two extra days before and after the event dates with a rate of $89 tax CAD. Official representatives will need to provide the hotel a valid credit card at time of registration.  Each federation that sends at least 5 official representatives is eligible to have a coach who will receive the free room and breakfast for the duration of August 9-14, 2022.

Official repersenatives are responsible for paying the full event registration fee.

5. Hotel cancellation policy

-- Hotel rooms may be cancelled with a notice of at least 48 hours.

6. Refund policy

-- Yes you can have a refund less $10 for any withdrawal until August 8th., from August 8th to the event starts, you can have a refund less $100 for any withdrawal. No refund after the event starts. please keep your registration confirmation emails.

7. Registration confirmation

a. Please click the registration list link and confirm your name is in the right section of the registration list.

b. You shall get payment receipt email from similiar as the following example.


c. You shall get the email confimration similar as following example:


8. Registration deadline

-- The registartion deadline is July 31st 10PM



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