Thank you NAYCC volunteers

2022-08-22 By NAYCC
Dear NAYCC volunteers,

I wanted to thank you all for being a part of what truly an amazing and exhausting event in Calgary.  I hope you all had some time to rest afterwards! An international competition of such magnitude has never been held in Alberta as far as I am aware and I wanted to congratulate you on being part of the first one!

Everyone's contributions have been instrumental in making it happen, we had people directing the event, maintaining the website, looking after the financials, securing the area, answering questions and watching the participants who finished games. Everyone did their part and contributed to the competition's success.

I hope those of you who live in Calgary will be able to assist with some more regular junior competitions going forward and of course with next year's big events the 2023 Canadian Open and Canadian Youth Championships!


Vlad Rekhson
2022 NAYCC
Head Arbiter
Published at 2022-08-22 01:56:03 by GG W


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